Where would we be without our moms? Through all of life’s up and downs, successes and failures, bumps and bruises, mothers are there to lift us up, cheer us on and make it all better. Although we can never truly thank them enough for all that they do, we can show them in little ways how much we love and appreciate them. Love spending quality time with your mama? This weekend, we have prepared a fun surprise for you and your mom to enjoy while finding the perfect gift for her #onRobson.

For the next few weeks, you can stop at our newest floral installation located at 1133 Robson Street, next to Muji, and snap a pic with your mom, your loved one, a friend… This gorgeous piece created by Jaleh from JEvents Planning & Design represents our mother’s love, pure and unconditional love. Isn’t she lovely?
But there’s more! Saturday and Sunday we will have VERY special treats for everyone.

Saturday, May 7th
LILO Collective Flower Pop-up Shop | 11am – 3pm
Choose a special custom bouquet for your mom. LILO Collective offers a great variety of fresh and dried flower bouquets for all.

Sunday, May 8th
LILO Collective Flower Pop-up Shop | 11am – until flowers sell out
Mandy Lau Live Sketch Artist | 2pm – 6pm
Get flowers & a complimentary custom sketch illustration (first come, first serve) with local artist Mandy Lau.
If you’re a mama, we know you often ask for so little in return for all that you do. So, we’re giving away 2x $150 Gift Cards to your fave shops #onRobson, one for you and one for your mom! Enter to win this prize on our latest Instagram post.