A mom is always in motion, and a shared struggle of today?s parent is never having enough hours in the day to get everything done. Teri Smith, the Executive Director of the Robson Street Business Association and mother of two children, weighs in, “There are days that it feels as though I have accomplished nothing, but I have to remind myself that it?s okay not to get everything done every day; it will always be there tomorrow.?
Perhaps no one can really prepare you for everything that being a parent is going to entail, and while becoming a mom has been Teri?s largest point of pride, she didn?t expect how being a mom would completely impact her physically, mentally and emotionally. ?Your entire world changes, as does your body, your sleep, your priorities, and your emotions. Most surprisingly, I?d never felt more unsure of myself than when I became a mom. I wasn?t just responsible for me anymore, I have two kids who are counting on me to do right by them. Letting them down is my biggest fear.?
Teri?is always preparing for the next day and week ahead, making a mental game plan each night at bedtime for the following morning, to save her a little stress in the early hours. Even her beauty routine has been edited down to preserve those precious morning moments.

As a mom, it is always important to remember to carve out a little time for yourself to recharge those?batteries. For Teri, waking up an hour earlier than she once did was a worthy sacrifice, as it allows her some peace in the morning, where she can enjoy a hot cup of coffee while everyone is still asleep and before the chaos begins. Also making a point to connect with her girlfriends over dinner and drinks to share stories, laughter, even?a few?tears, is always good for her soul.

?It?s important to know that you?re not alone; so many women are working and trying to maintain a household, kids, and juggling all the activities that go along with it.? Teri?s advice to other working moms is to embrace that parenting is a constant learning process and there will be no shortage of opinions or advice out there, but at the end of the day, you need to do what is best for you and your family.
Stay tuned for our March series when we?ll be strolling down Robson Street and chatting with Ms. Independent style maven, @AliciaFashionista