Summer is in full swing which means there are a lot of events happening on?Robson Street! From Happy Hour to Robson Live (our new live music and entertainment program), to Celebration of Light, we’ve got a bit of everything to help you squeeze the most out of your summer. We’ve even put together a list to ensure that you don’t miss a thing!

Pop-up Picnic
When: July – August
Participating restaurants – Abode, Cactus Club, Earls, Joe Fortes, Milestones and Steamrollers.
What: Each participating restaurant is offering delicious take out options for you to enjoy outdoors. With each lunch that is ordered, $1 will be donated to the Vancouver Food Bank.
Robson Live
When: Every Friday and Saturday from 4-7pm, during July and August
Where: Along Robson Street (between Burrard and Jervis).
What: Enjoy live music and entertainment from Vancouver?s favourite local buskers and entertainers.

Robson Redux
When: All summer
Where: Robson Square
What: Come and chill at this year?s winning Robson Redux design, and bring your Pop-Up Picnic meal!
Sunday Afternoon Salsa
When: Every Sunday afternoon during July and August
Where: Robson Square
What: Dance the salsa at Robson Square this Summer!

Eat Robson Happy Hour
When: July 14 – July 28
Featured Restaurants: Abode, Cactus Club Cafe, Earls, Ebisu, Joe Fortes, and Milestones
What: In partnership with the Food Gays, we are highlighting the best of happy hour on Robson Street via Food Gays and Robson Street‘s Instagram accounts. Follow along and share your own happy hour adventures with hashtag #eatrobson.
When: Every Wednesday during July and August at 6pm
Where: Meet at the LuluLemon on Robson Street at 5:45pm
What: Enjoy a guided run through beautiful Vancouver!
Honda Celebration of Light
When: Watch China on July 25, Brazil on July 29 and Canada on August 1
Where: English Bay
What: Watch another year of spectacular fireworks at the beach! Tip: Enjoy a tasty dinner or grab our Pop-Up Picnic on Robson Street before heading into the crowds.

Pride Parade
When: August 2 at 12pm
Where: West End. Tip: the parade begins at the intersection of Thurlow and Robson.
What: Celebrate Vancouver Pride by watching the vibrant and fun annual parade, love wins!
Connect with us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to stay in the loop with all the happenings on Robson Street. And remember to tag your photos with #robsonlife for a chance to be featured on our blog!